Service updates
Travel updates Latest travel information and updates
Timetables Find Thameslink timetables by station and download train times
Planned engineering work Details of planned engineering work on our network
Live map Real-time service status and route display
Alternative route maps Alternative train, bus and tube maps
Temporary planned service changes
Cambridge closures Network Rail is constructing a brand-new station at Cambridge South. For details, you'll be redirected to the Great Northern website
East Coast Digital Programme We’re upgrading and modernising the signalling on some of our routes as part of the East Coast Digital Programme. To find out more, you’ll be taken to the Great Northern website
Onboard travel
Bikes & scooters Storage of bikes and scooters on board
Wi-Fi on board Keeping you connected
Baby on board Priority seating for new and expectant parents
Find a quieter train Want to have the best chance of getting a seat?
Luggage Guidelines and support for carrying luggage on board
Travelling with pets Policies for travelling with pets
Station information
Car parking Parking availability and information across our stations
All stations (A-Z) Facilities, addresses, maps and more, for all stations
Getting to the station Find out about taxis, buses and how to get to the station
Airport travel
Tickets & payment methods
Ways to pay eTickets, Smartcard, weekly capping with keyGo, and more
Off-Peak Reduced fares during off-peak hours
Super Off-Peak Reduced fares during off-peak weekdays
Child tickets Child fares and discounts for young people
Advance tickets Discounted tickets booked ahead of travel
Anytime Tickets valid for travel at any time
sTickets Digital Season tickets on your phone
Flexi Season Flexible season ticket options for part-time commuters
Season tickets Discounted long-term tickets for regular commuters
Carnet tickets Buy a book of pre-paid single tickets
First Class Enhance your journey with First Class
Popular destinations
Inspire me
Discounts & offers
Book assistance Our online form for booking assistance for your journey
Assisted travel Assistance for those with access needs
Priority seat card A badge for those who require priority seating
Support whilst you're travelling Information and guidance on accessing our trains
Wheelchairs & mobility scooters Guidelines for wheelchairs and mobility scooters
Help & support
Contact us Need help? Find out how to get in touch
Delay Repay Compensation for unexpected delays and cancellations
Refunds & amendments How to refund and change your ticket
Penalty fares Information on penalty fares and prosecutions
Failed to carry Submit proof of your ticket or railcard
Lost property Lost property services, collection and enquires
First Class claim form First class claim form for reimbursement